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Global Coorperations

In order to continue improving our services on molding construction (injection), our company participates with partnership agreements in international technical research programs developing modern methods of application.
Our main field of technological research and innovation is about integrated application in desiging and manifacturing of injection mould. 
Participating in European research programs provides the necessary know-how of how to process specialized metal material.  Thus, forming metal processing standards and then confirming them by resarch, we can ensure satisfactory mold properties with longer lifgetime and high production quality.

MAIN MOULD European program
By researching cutting-edge technologies and applications, our company contributed to successfully completed the European Main Mould program (www.mainmould.com) through experimental testing of scientific applications for mold manufacturing, repair and maintenance. Within this program, we have developed multi-level partnerships with some of the most renowned European centers for technology, application and research. Having a high degree of specialization, each cooperating member contributed to completing forming the manual of training and observance of quality standards for all phases of mold making, material design and selection, metalworking for construction and finishing up to preventive repairs and maintenance. The collaborations that have been developed and successfully continue up to today are:

  • Center for Research and Technical Training, CENFIM, Portugal, specializing in metallurgy and metal engineering. (www.cenfim.pt)
  • POLE DE PLASTURGIE Technology Center located in "PLASTIC VALLEY" on the outskirts of Lyon, France, with a significant presence in methods of scientific control of molds, setting of standards and calibration of high technology machines and tools. (www.poleplasturgie.com)
  • SKZ-Top gGmbH Germany with a co-ordinating role in documenting new technologies in the molding of plastic molds is the most important player in innovation and training in new applied technology. ( www.skz.de)
  • EDUPOLI Institute of Technology Finland, specializing in the implementation of customized patterns of plastic materials and the transfer of know-how in the design and manufacture of molds. (www.edupoli.fi)
  • INORGA Czech mold design center with years of experience in research and development of mold design and manufacturing methods. (www.inorga.cz)
  • "TSIMILAS DIMARAS" Business Consultants' Office, specializing in project management and business plans, based in Athens, is a link to international collaborations promoting the exchange of know-how, development and exploitation of innovations and patents for the exploitation of productive and commercial exploitation. (www.thd.gr) 




+30 210 6215261

+30 210 6215270


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